“The Little Red Chairs” by Edna O’Brien – Book Review

Hello fellow booklovers!!

Today, let’s enter together the mysterious world of Edna O’Brien’s “The Little Red Chairs,” where love, loss, and the complexities of life intertwine in captivating ways. Join me in this review as we dive into the rich tapestry of O’Brien’s storytelling, from the vivid Irish landscapes to the depths of the human experience.

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About the Plot:

In “The Little Red Chairs,” a woman’s hopes for redemption are shattered when she discovers that the mysterious stranger she believed would change her life is actually a notorious war criminal. Vlad, posing as a healer, captivates the inhabitants of a small Irish village, especially Fidelma McBride, who desperately desires a child with him. However, everything unravels when Vlad is arrested and exposed for his crimes.

Disgraced and shattered, Fidelma flees to England, where she seeks solace among other migrants displaced by conflict. Her journey takes a dramatic turn when she confronts Vlad, her nemesis, at a tribunal in The Hague.

“The Little Red Chairs” explores themes of love and the quest for redemption, as well as humanity’s enduring fascination with evil. It delves into the complexities of the human experience and the winding path toward finding one’s true home.

My Thoughts and Observations on the Book:

Edna O’Brien’s prose in “The Little Red Chairs” is a work of art in itself. With lyrical elegance and a keen eye for detail, she paints a vivid portrait of rural Ireland, capturing the essence of its landscapes and the rhythms of its inhabitants’ lives. From the windswept shores to the cozy interiors of village cottages, every scene brims with atmosphere and authenticity.

At the heart of the novel lies O’Brien’s exploration of complex themes, including the nature of love, the impact of trauma, the brutality of war and its consequences, as well as the search for redemption. Through Fidelma’s journey, O’Brien delves deep into the depths of the human psyche, laying bare the raw emotions and vulnerabilities that lie beneath the surface. The result is a deeply resonant plotline that lingers in the mind long even after the las page is turned.

One of the novel’s greatest strengths are its characters, each one full of depth and complexity. Fidelma is a compelling protagonist, her inner turmoil and longing palpable on every page. And in my opinion she is also one of the most tragic figure in the book, firstly due to her ignorance and later on due to the traumatic events she had to endure. Dr. Vlad, on the other hand, remains an enigmatic figure whose true motives keep readers guessing until the novel’s climactic conclusion. Their interactions are fraught with tension and desire, adding layers of intrigue to the story.

Furthermore, “The Little Red Chairs” stands as a powerful condemnation of the atrocities carried out in the name of ideology. Through O’Brien’s unwavering depiction of war and violence, the novel serves as a poignant reminder of the lasting repercussions of human suffering and the remarkable resilience of the human soul. There are also many references and implications regarding racism against minorities such as the exploitation of migrant workers, as well as violence against women (depicted in a very brutal way, I must say).

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Pexels.com

Why You Should Read It:

“The Little Red Chairs” is a breathtaking work of literary fiction that showcases Edna O’Brien’s immense talent as a storyteller. With its haunting prose, compelling characters, and profound themes, this novel is a must-read for anyone who appreciates the power of words to illuminate the human experience. Whether you’re a fan of O’Brien’s previous work or discovering her for the first time, “The Little Red Chairs” is sure to leave a lasting impression.

This book moved me deeply in so many different levels. It is definetily not a book to pick if you want to just pass the time, but it’s more of a thought provoking read that will leave its mark on you.

Please check the trigger warnings before reading, as there themes and scenes that you might find rather disturbing. Personally, some scenes kept haunting me for quite some time after I finished it.

Trigger Warnings: Graphic Violence and Violence Against Women are the most prevalent ones

Fun Fact:

The title of the book refers to the commemorations that took place in 2012, 20 years after the siege of Sarajevo began. 11.541 red chairs were placed on a main street of the city, one for each victim, 643 of which were smaller children’s chairs, one for every child victim.

Have you read “The Little Red Chairs”? What did you think?

Until the next plot twist, happy reading!!!


2 thoughts on ““The Little Red Chairs” by Edna O’Brien – Book Review”

  1. Maria, great review. Love your writing style and the way you see the novel from 10K feet. Guess I’ve got another one… dang!… for my summer reading list 😂 Well done. 👏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and your support! It means so much🩷. The thing is, once you make a wishlist of books, it only keeps growing 😄 For me, it resulted in starting my own book blog😅

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