Most Popular Books of 2024 so Far

Hello fellow booklovers!!!

June is  here, which means we’re already halfway through 2024. What a great opportunity to check on the most popular book releases of the year! Don’t you agree?

I used Goodreads’ statistics as my guide in order to curate a book list of the most sought after books of the year so far, those that have sparked conversations and topped bestseller lists and I’ve tried to gather books from a variety of genres. This year has brought us a remarkable array of books across all genres, from spellbinding fantasy epics and gripping thrillers to heartwarming romances and thought-provoking non-fiction. Whether you’re a fan of page-turning mysteries or profound literary fiction, 2024 has something special for everyone to offer. Get ready to update your reading list with these must-read titles that have everyone talking!

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1. “The Women” by Kristin Hannah

Genre: Historical Fiction

An intimate exploration of coming of age during a perilous era and an epic narrative of a divided nation, “The Women” tells the story of Frances “Frankie” McGrath, a twenty-year-old nursing student whose life changes when she hears that women can be heroes. Raised in the sunny, idyllic world of Southern California under the watchful eyes of her conservative parents, Frankie has always strived to do the right thing. But in 1965, as the world shifts, she begins to envision a different future. When her brother departs to serve in Vietnam, she enlists in the Army Nurse Corps, following in his footsteps. As inexperienced as the soldiers sent to fight, Frankie is overwhelmed by the chaos and devastation of war. Each day is a precarious balance of life and death, hope and despair; deep friendships form and can be shattered in an instant. Amidst the conflict, she encounters—and becomes one of—the fortunate, the courageous, the broken, and the lost. Yet, the war is just the beginning for Frankie and her fellow veterans. The true challenge lies in returning to a transformed and divided America, facing angry protesters and a nation eager to forget Vietnam. This novel, rich with deep friendships and bold patriotism, features a memorable heroine whose idealism and bravery under fire come to define an era, highlighting all the women who have risked their lives and whose sacrifices and dedication to their country are often overlooked.

2. “First Lie Wins” by Ashley Elston

Genre: Mystery – Thriller

Evie Porter has everything a nice, Southern girl could want: a perfect, doting boyfriend, a house with a white picket fence and a garden, a fancy group of friends. The only catch: Evie Porter doesn’t exist. Once she’s given a name and location by her mysterious boss Mr. Smith, she learns everything there is to know about the town and the people in it. Then the mark: Ryan Sumner. The last piece of the puzzle is the job. Evie isn’t privy to Mr. Smith’s real identity, but she knows this job will be different. Ryan has gotten under her skin, and she’s starting to envision a different sort of life for herself. But Evie can’t make any mistakes—especially after what happened last time. Because the one thing she’s worked her entire life to keep clean, the one identity she could always go back to—her real identity—just walked right into this town. Evie Porter must stay one step ahead of her past while making sure there’s still a future in front of her. The stakes couldn’t be higher—but then, Evie has always liked a challenge.

3. “The Familiar” by Leigh Bardugo

Genre: Fantasy

In a run-down house on a shabby street in Madrid’s burgeoning new capital, Luzia Cotado harnesses fragments of magic to endure her relentless chores as a scullion. When her conniving mistress uncovers Luzia’s hidden talent for minor miracles, she insists that Luzia employ these abilities to elevate the family’s social standing. What begins as entertainment for the bored aristocracy takes a dangerous turn when Luzia attracts the attention of Antonio Pérez, the disgraced secretary to Spain’s king. With the king desperate for an edge in his ongoing conflict against England’s queen, Pérez pursues Luzia relentlessly, plunging her into a world of mystics, alchemists, and charlatans where the boundaries between magic, science, and deception blur. As her fame spreads, so does the peril that her Jewish heritage will attract the deadly scrutiny of the Inquisition. To survive, Luzia must navigate this treacherous landscape, even if it means forming an uneasy alliance with Guillén Santangel, a bitter immortal familiar whose own mysteries could prove fatal for them both.

4. “House of Flame and Shadow” by Sarah J. Mass

Genre: Romantasy

Bryce Quinlan had never imagined a world beyond Midgard, but now that she’s experienced it, all she craves is to return. Midgard holds everything she holds dear: family, friends, and her mate. Stranded in an unfamiliar realm, finding her way back won’t be easy, especially when she can’t discern whom to trust. Hunt Athalar has faced many challenges in his life, but this may be his toughest yet. After a fleeting taste of happiness, he finds himself once more imprisoned by the Asteri, unsure of Bryce’s fate. His only desire is to aid her, but until he breaks free from his captors, his hands are bound.
In this captivating sequel to Sarah J. Maas’s bestselling novels House of Earth and Blood and House of Sky and Breath, the Crescent City series enters new realms as Bryce and Hunt navigate a world on the brink of collapse, their actions shaping its uncertain future.

Continue reading Most Popular Books of 2024 so Far

The Bookish Community: Pros and Cons of Joining the Reading World Online

Hello fellow booklovers!

I’ve been wanting to talk about my experience after joining the book community more actively in social media platforms and I think today is finally the day! So, are you ready for another of my bookish rants?

Joining the book lovers community has been an eye-opening experience in so many wonderful ways. However, like any community, it has its ups and downs. Here are a few things I’ve discovered since diving into this world of readers, writers, and endless book discussions. After I joined Bookstagram (the bookish corner of Instagram) almost 2 years ago, I came face to face with a few things I either took for granted or wasn’t aware of till then. Here we go:

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Positive Aspects

1. There’s Always Someone to Discuss Your Latest Read

One of the best parts about being in a book community is that there’s always someone who has read or is willing to read the same book as you. Whether it’s a bestseller or an obscure indie book, you’ll find someone ready to dive into a detailed discussion, share theories, or just fangirl/fanboy with you. The excitement and enthusiasm in these discussions make reading a more communal and enriching experience. I literally cannot count the times I have picked up a book thatnks to someone’s suggestions.

2. The TBR Pile Never Ends

My “To Be Read” pile has grown exponentially since joining the book community. With so many recommendations flying around, it’s impossible to keep up. Every day brings a new book suggestion that sounds too good to pass up, and my list just keeps getting longer. But honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s like having a never-ending treasure trove of adventures waiting for you, ensuring you’ll never run out of things to read.

3. You’ll Discover Genres You Never Knew You Loved

Before joining the community, I had my go-to genres. But now, I’ve found myself enjoying everything from cozy mysteries and high fantasy to horror or everlasting classics, thanks to the diverse tastes and recommendations of fellow readers. It’s a great way to step out of your comfort zone and find hidden gems. This exposure has broadened my literary horizons and introduced me to new favorite authors and series I might never have discovered on my own. And I just love it!!

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4. Book FOMO is Real

Book Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is a real thing. When everyone is talking about the latest release or a hidden gem they’ve uncovered, you can’t help but want to read it too. Sometimes it feels like you’re missing out on a major cultural moment if you haven’t read the latest book making waves in the community. This shared excitement makes reading feel like a collective adventure.

5. Reading Challenges are Surprisingly Motivating

I used to read at my own pace without any particular goals in mind. But since joining the community, I’ve participated in various reading challenges and buddy readings. These events are incredibly motivating and a lot of fun, pushing me to read more than I ever thought I could. They also provide a sense of accomplishment and a way to engage with others through friendly competition and shared goals.

6. There’s a Book for Every Mood

Feeling happy, sad, nostalgic, or adventurous? The community is full of recommendations tailored to every possible mood. It’s amazing how a book can perfectly match your emotional state, making the reading experience even more fulfilling. Having a wide array of options means you can always find the perfect book to complement or elevate your current mood.

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The Dreamers: A Thought-Provoking Novel by Karen Thompson Walker – Book Review

Hello fellow booklovers!!!

I stopped posting for a while, because, what can I say… Sometimes life gets the best of us… But I’m here, I am back and very happy I can connect with everyone again and share more amazing books with you all!

I recently finished reading “The Dreamers” by Karen Thompson Walker, and it’s one of those books that sticks with you. Walker creates a captivating and eerie story that blends everyday life with the fantastical, making it hard to put down. This book has garnered attention for its compelling premise and lyrical prose, drawing us into a world that is at once familiar and deeply strange.  Let’s dive into what makes this book so special!

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About the Plot:

“The Dreamers” is set in the small, isolated college town of Santa Lora, California, where a mysterious illness begins to spread. The disease induces a deep, unending sleep in its victims, who then experience strangely vivid and mysterious dreams. As more and more people fall into this inexplicable slumber, the town is plunged into chaos and fear. The entire town is quarantined to prevent the disease from spreading to the whole country.

The story follows several characters, including students, professors, doctors, and families, each grappling with the epidemic in their own way. Their lives intersect as they try to understand and survive the unfolding crisis, while they are witnessing their loved ones sink into a lethat sleep…

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Get Ready for Jaw-Dropping Twists: 10 Must-Read Novels for Thriller Enthusiasts! – Part 1

Hello fellow booklovers!!

Are you a fan of jaw-dropping plot twists that leave you reeling for days? Look no further! I’ve curated a list of 10 incredible books that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page. From psychological thrillers to epic fantasies, these novels are guaranteed to blow your mind and leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about storytelling. So buckle up and get ready for an unforgettable literary ride!

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Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
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1. “Gone Girl” by Gillian Flynn

“Gone Girl” is a suspenseful thriller that follows the disappearance of Amy Dunne on her fifth wedding anniversary. As the investigation unfolds, her husband Nick becomes the prime suspect, and the story delves into the complexities of their marriage, revealing shocking secrets and unexpected twists along the way.

The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins
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2. “The Girl on the Train” by Paula Hawkins

Every morning, Rachel boards the same commuter train, passing by familiar sights and imagining the lives of the people in the houses she glimpses along the way. She’s particularly drawn to “Jess and Jason,” envisioning their seemingly perfect existence. But when she witnesses something shocking during her commute, Rachel’s perspective shifts dramatically. Now, she sees an opportunity to become more than just an observer, to actively engage in the lives she’s long admired from afar.

Continue reading Get Ready for Jaw-Dropping Twists: 10 Must-Read Novels for Thriller Enthusiasts! – Part 1

Unraveling the World of Faerie in ‘The Wicked King’ by Holly Black -Book Review

Hello fellow booklovers!!!

Let’s delve together into the dangerous and treacherous realm of Elfhame once more and explore Holly Black’s captivating book, “The Wicked King”. In this review, we’ll discuss the intricate webs of politics, power, and betrayal that define this dark and mesmerizing story. From the cunning machinations and schemes of its characters to the lush and haunting world-building, join me and let’s unravel the secrets of this spellbinding and captivating dark fairytale.

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About the Plot:

“The Wicked King” is the second installment of Holly Black’s “The Folk of the Air” series and sequel to “The Cruel Prince”.

In the aftermath of the shocking revelation that her brother Oak is the rightful heir to Faerie, Jude is faced with the daunting task of keeping him safe. In order to do so, she has cunningly bound the treacherous king, Cardan, to her will, making herself the true power behind the throne. However, navigating the ever-changing political landscape of shifting alliances of Faerie is no easy feat, especially with Cardan’s constant attempts to undermine and humiliate her. Despite all this, his intense fascination with her remains, making their dynamic even more complex. But when it becomes clear that someone close to Jude is planning to betray her, putting not only her life but the lives of those she loves in danger, she must use all her skills to uncover the traitor and confront her own conflicted feelings for Cardan in order to maintain her control as a mortal in a world of powerful and unpredictable Fae.

Continue reading Unraveling the World of Faerie in ‘The Wicked King’ by Holly Black -Book Review

“The Little Red Chairs” by Edna O’Brien – Book Review

Hello fellow booklovers!!

Today, let’s enter together the mysterious world of Edna O’Brien’s “The Little Red Chairs,” where love, loss, and the complexities of life intertwine in captivating ways. Join me in this review as we dive into the rich tapestry of O’Brien’s storytelling, from the vivid Irish landscapes to the depths of the human experience.

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About the Plot:

In “The Little Red Chairs,” a woman’s hopes for redemption are shattered when she discovers that the mysterious stranger she believed would change her life is actually a notorious war criminal. Vlad, posing as a healer, captivates the inhabitants of a small Irish village, especially Fidelma McBride, who desperately desires a child with him. However, everything unravels when Vlad is arrested and exposed for his crimes.

Disgraced and shattered, Fidelma flees to England, where she seeks solace among other migrants displaced by conflict. Her journey takes a dramatic turn when she confronts Vlad, her nemesis, at a tribunal in The Hague.

“The Little Red Chairs” explores themes of love and the quest for redemption, as well as humanity’s enduring fascination with evil. It delves into the complexities of the human experience and the winding path toward finding one’s true home.

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Most Anticipated Book releases for May 2024

Hello fellow booklovers!

Get ready to mark your calendars because May 2024 is bringing some seriously awesome books to the table! Whether you’re into spine-tingling thrillers, heart-melting romances, or epic fantasy adventures, there’s a little something for everyone hitting the shelves next month. So, grab your reading glasses and let’s dive into the most anticipated book releases for May 2024!

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1.”Looking for Love in All the Haunted Places” by Claire Kann

Release date: May 21st, 2024 Gernres: Fantasy, Romance, Paranormal, Contemporary, Queer
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Lucky Hart has always had a knack for the supernatural, but in a world where parapsychology is often brushed aside, she struggles to be taken seriously. With strained family ties, lost friendships, and two rejections from graduate school under her belt, Lucky’s luck finally turns when she stumbles upon insider information about a troubled production company. Their latest show faces a strange problem: every actor who spends three nights in Hennessee House, an infamous Victorian mansion, mysteriously quits.

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50 Amazing Quotes for Booklovers: Exploring the Beauty of Books and Reading through Famous Quotes

Hello fellow booklovers!!

Books are an endless source of knowledge, inspiration, and escape. They have the power to transport us to different worlds, introduce us to new ideas, and help us understand ourselves and others. Throughout history, books have played a crucial role in shaping our minds and society. Here are 50 quotes about books and reading that celebrate and highlight the magic and importance of literature.

No doubt, everyone has their own reasons for loving books. Some seek escape from reality, others cherish the connections forged with characters, and some relish the opportunity to learn. But if you’re a bookworm like me, you’ll totally vibe with these quotes about  the importance of books and reading I’ve gathered.

You might recognize a few quotes or even be a fan of the person behind them. But one thing’s for sure: as you scroll through, you will definitely find one or more that will speak to you!

1. “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies… The man who never reads lives only one.” – George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons

2. “Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” – Charles William Eliot

3. “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

4. “Books make great gifts… They have whole worlds inside of them” – Neil Gaiman

5. “A room without books is like a body without a soul.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero

6. “Books are the ultimate Dumpees: put them down and they’ll wait for you forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back.’’ – John Green, An Abundance of Katherines

7. “Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” – Jim Rohn

8. “A book is a gift you can open again and again.” – Garrison Keillor

9. “Books are a uniquely portable magic. – Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

10. “Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.” – Mason Cooley

11. “Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey. They are home.” – Anna Quindlen, How Reading Changed My Life

Continue reading 50 Amazing Quotes for Booklovers: Exploring the Beauty of Books and Reading through Famous Quotes

I Hope This Doesn’t Find You by Ann Liang – Book Review

Hello fellow booklovers!!

Witty and charming, “I Hope This Doesn’t Find You” is like a mashup of “Never Have I Ever” and “To All the Boys,” but with a twist: instead of love letters, it’s all about hate emails. Find out more about this fresh contemporary high school romance in my in-depth review!

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I Hope This Doesn't Find You by Ann Liang
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About the Plot:

Sadie Wen appears flawless on the surface. She’s a school captain, a valedictorian, and the ideal student. But behind her perfect facade, she channels her frustrations into unsent email drafts, venting about everything from her demanding English teacher to a classmate taking credit for her work. However, her fiercest emails are reserved for her infuriating co-captain, Julius Gong, whose arrogance has always rubbed her the wrong way.

But when these emails are accidentally sent out, Sadie’s carefully curated world comes crashing down. Suddenly, everyone knows her true thoughts, and she’s faced with the repercussions of her unfiltered honesty. Amidst the chaos, Julius begins to see a different side of Sadie, one he’s growing to appreciate, despite their sworn animosity.

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“Fourth Wing” by Rebecca Yarros – Book Review

Hello fellow booklovers!

“Fourth Wing” by Rebecca Yarros is probably one or the most popular books around, for quite some time now. Hours upon hours have been spent on writing reviews by readers on this mega-hit, sparking long discussions and debates, and the feelings are quite mixed. So is “Fourth Wing” worth all this hype? Is it a good read or just a very well-advertised book? Dive into the world of Basgiath with me to find out!!!

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About the Plot:

At just twenty years old, Violet Sorrengail had envisioned a quiet life surrounded by books and history in the Scribe Quadrant. However, her plans take an unexpected turn when her tough-as-nails mother, the commanding general, orders her to join the ranks of candidates vying to become elite dragon riders in Navarre.

Standing out as having a smaller and more fragile physique than her peers, Violet faces the harsh reality that dragons typically do not bond with humans deemed “fragile” and often incinerate them instead. With the competition fierce and deadly, and with powerful figures like Xaden Riorson posing additional threats, Violet must rely on her wits to survive each day at Basgiath War College.

As the war outside the wards escalates and the kingdom’s defenses weaken, Violet grows increasingly suspicious of hidden agendas among the leadership. In this cutthroat environment, everyone—from friends to enemies to potential lovers—has their own motives, and the stakes couldn’t be higher: graduate or face death.

Continue reading “Fourth Wing” by Rebecca Yarros – Book Review